The Special Political and Decolonization Committee
4th Committee of the General Assembly

Addressing the Historical Impact on the Current Political Landscape and the Global Relevance of:
A: Arctic Exploration and Research
B: Use of Nuclear Energy
Topic A: Known for its ambiguous national borders within the region, the Arctic has been a secondary theater for global conflict. Because of the excellent cooperation of the Arctic Council, this issue was not regarded as an urgent situation until recently.
Global warming’s consequences include the melting of the Arctic’s land, revealing its rich resources such as oil and natural gas. Taking into consideration the potential of the fuels and the possible economic routes that can emerge because of the melted ice, this conflict can be approached from more points of view; from the scientific research, to most importantly, the territorial and economic issues that can disrupt the peaceful cooperation between the Arctic states.
The SPECPOL committee must find an efficient and fair solution to this matter, dividing and regulating the region while making sure that the resources are extracted responsibly.
Topic B: The political polarisation of the 20th century and the struggle for power of the Second World War led to a continuous imbalance of influence over what now seems to be our chance to a future.
Nuclear energy research has been the hot spot of debates regarding a greener future, but how has the past affected its current situation? The “head starts” of a few states in nuclear research ensured by initiatives such as the Manhattan Project, it’s clear that the echo of the power poles of the Second World War still reverberates in the most important of research fields.