The Chairpersons of IașiMUN XIV

Bianca Chiriță President of the ICJ

Lucian Cismaru President of the ICJ

Alexandra Mutuzac President of the ICJ

Ruxandra Popescu Chairperson of the WHO

Mircea Arămescu Secretary-General, Chairperson of the WHO Committee

Miruna Viziteu Chairperson of the WHO Committee

Ioana Albu Chairperson of the UN Security Council

Francesca Rămășcanu Chairperson of the UN Security Council

Ana Aronescu Deputy President of the General Assembly, Chairperson of the UN Security Council

Bogdan Raicu Chairperson of the Crisis Committee

Karina Zybaczynski Deputy Secretary-General, Chairperson of the Crisis Committee

Silviu Ciorap Chairperson of the Crisis Committee

Daria Grădinaru Chairperson of the Legal Committee

Ștefan Crețu President of the General Assembly, Chairperson of the Legal Committee

Karina Balaban Chairperson of the Legal Committee

David Dimonu Chairperson of the Administrative and Budgetary Committee

Diana Cordun Chairperson of the Administrative and Budgetary Committee

Alexandru Drăghia Chairperson of the Administrative and Budgetary Committee

Petra Rusu Chairperson of the SPECPOL Committee

Ilinca Pădurariu Chairperson of the SPECPOL Committee

Mara Vîntu Chairperson of the SPECPOL Committee

Alia Tănăsoiu Chairperson of the SOCHUM Committee

Gabriela Grigoraș Chairperson of the SOCHUM Committee

Mara Andronache Chairperson of the SOCHUM Committee

Eduard Șovan Chairperson of the ECOFIN Committee

Victor Roșca Chairperson of the ECOFIN Committee

Ana Bogdănescu Chairperson of the DISEC Committee

Teodor Ciorap Chairperson of the DISEC Committee

Ioana Tapalagă Chairperson of the DISEC Committee
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