The Economic and Financial Committee
2nd Committee of the General Assembly
A: Assessing the Boundaries of State Intervention in the Economy During Periods of Crisis
B: Setting up the Legal Framework in Developing Countries on the Matter of Lobbying from MNCs
Topic A: When states go through critical moments that pose a great threat to the well-functioning of the economy, it comes into question if and how much should the state interfere in the free market. On the one hand, establishing a price ceiling for commodities such as oil, grain, or coffee might ensure that prices will be kept affordable for the population. On the other hand, state intervention might even worsen the issue, causing shortages or lower quality of goods and services. It is going to be the duty of our delegates to decide upon a resolution that ensures market failure can be prevented even during the most severe times of crisis.
Topic B: In their constant seeking for profit, multinational corporations resort to malicious measures to gain illegitimate advantages. One such kind of action is lobbying, through which the government officials or other key members in the running of the state are influenced into making decisions that favour some businesses or some business practices to the detriment of the well-being of the population. This sort of practice is especially efficient in developing countries with young democracies and economies dependent on the ”big boys”. The delegates need to set up a legal framework to protect these nations from abuse, but still make them appealing to MNCs.